Are you a company or an University or as educational institute or a professional freelance?

How is working Tmbrel and Terms and conditions
The stamp allows the physical document to be traced back to the signed digital document with certainty.
Information management in compliance with personal data regulations, especially the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
Integration into a single service of the authenticity, integrity, reliability, readability and findability whatever device is used (Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet).
The impossibility of forgery and counterfeiting of Tmbrel, thanks to the encryption algorithms, extends to the doc. whose content can also be viewed in its entirety.
Ability to correlate the digital stamp with one’s industry registration number.
Thanks to the availability of the “BlueCodeReader” free App specially made for the needs of professionals, it is possible to decode the encrypted stamp.
Main Benefits of the Document Archiving Service
Management efficiency with rapid retrieval of documents and information contained therein.
Reduced time and costs with dedicated space for archiving documents.
Increased efficiency.
By default, the use of the stamp allows the law firm to create a secure repository on the cloud without infrastructure costs and space limitations. Documents will be accessible either by scanning the Stamp with the appropriate App or from one’s account on the Tmbrel portal.
Tmbrel 10 avantages
- Tmbrel allows you to trace the physical document back to the signed digital one in a certain way
- Management of information in compliance with the legislation on personal data, in particular the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
- Integration into a single service of authenticity, integrity, reliability, readability and availability whatever the device used (Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet)
- The impossibility of forgery and counterfeiting of Tmbrel, thanks to the encryption algorithms, extends to the physical document. the content of which may also be viewed in its entirety
- Thanks to the availability of the free BlueCodeReader App it is possible to decode the encrypted stamp
- Ability to correlate the Tmbrel digital stamp with your own company name or VAT
- Management efficiency with rapid retrieval of documents and the information contained therein
- Reduction of time and costs with spaces dedicated to the archive of documents
- Greater efficiency
- The use of Tmbrel allows you to create a secure cloud archive without infrastructure costs and space limitations. The documents will be accessible both by scanning the Stamp with the appropriate App and from your account on the Tmbrel portal
One Tmbrel
One Tmbrel
200 Tmbrel and 10Gb storage space
200 Tmbrel and 10Gb storage space
600 Tmbrel and 50Gb storage space
600 Tmbrel and 50Gb storage space
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